Adlibrio has assembled a team of writers who are passionate about their craft and who each recognise the challenge of writing in a void without the benefit of a third party perspective on their work. Every one of our in-house team has faced the daunting task of engaging with agencies and publishers with speculative letters and emails. We feel for you.
The benefits of having the backing of a skilled editorial team are numerous. they include:
- Comprehensive Feedback: With experts focusing on different aspects of the manuscript, the writer receives well-rounded feedback, addressing everything from structural issues to subtle grammatical errors.
- Enhanced Quality and Marketability: An editorial team doesn’t just fix errors; they help the writer’s voice and ideas shine. The team works to make the manuscript as engaging, cohesive, and market-ready as possible.
- Growth and Skill Development: Working with an editorial team helps writers improve their craft, offering insights into storytelling, style, and industry standards that they can apply to future projects.
- Improved Confidence and Peace of Mind: Writers can feel confident that their work has been thoroughly vetted, revised, and polished by professionals, giving them a stronger foundation for querying agents, submitting to publishers, or self-publishing.

Our highly experienced editorial team will provide comprehensive support at every stage, transforming your manuscript from a draft into a polished work ready for the marketplace or readership. That’s what we pride ourselves on at Adlibrio.
We can’t promise that you will be the next Richard Osman, but we will make every effort to ensure that your submissions will be the best they can be. find out more about our manuscript appraisal service or if you’re a science fiction writer why not enter your initial 1,500 words for the Zamyatin award to receive a free evaluation of your work.

Appraisals & Editorial
We’ll provide a professional evaluation of your manuscript to assess its strengths, weaknesses, and potential for publication.

Is there a market for your book? Into what genre does your book fit? We will provide answers. Our price for a marketability report is £85.00